Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Sailing class is making good progress. We have covered terminology, rigging, and the basic Points of Sail (link), and we've been out sailing twice in the Javelins. By now, the students should be able to rig up their boats, hoist sails, and should be able to steer a steady course.

We also have work to do- here is the sailing squad moving the FJ hulls. Teamwork is important!

Obviously if we have been out sailing, and came back, then we must have "tacked" a couple of times too.

Our next lesson will be on TACKING (link) and on STOPPING (link). Both skippers and crews will need to know the proper commands and the proper actions; we will be doing sailing drills soon!

Coach Jackson, Coach Hallquist, and LCDR Tyson are supervising the working party. 


Putting up the masts on the FJs. This is why we need to know all the details of how the boats are rigged.

Our boats are simple but there are many details which must be exactly correct.


LCDR Tyson and Head Sailing Coach Jerry Rezab with the advanced sailors, who unfortunately did not get a chance to show off their skills today in the FJs... the time is coming soon!


Here is Coach Jackson and his beginners preparing to leave the dock.

There was a light breeze, but it was enough to make the boats move along smartly -IF- the sailors got the moves right!


More work... putting everything away.  The sailing class is labor intensive for both the students and the coaches, but the lessons learned are very important.


...  Photos by Coach Fred Cornford
...  posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King


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