The weather has not cooperated with our sailing plans. Instead of getting underway in the FJs, we held practice at the dock in the Javelins.
Here's a photo from the Bridgeton Harbor launch area, showing why we were not putting the FJs in. Strong winds, ~2'+ choppy waves, lee shore... let us count the ways in which this is a bad idea... ...
Here's how we held practice in the Javelins. With a line from each side at the stern of the boat, we can hold the boat at an angle to the wind, or swing it around as though the skipper & crew were maneuvering under way. This is a good "sailing simulator!"
Each new skipper & crew practiced tacking, and setting the sails correctly for most Points Of Sail. The wind was very gusty, some of us got a chance to practice easing the sheet when the boat heels too much!
Here's our #1 Javelin (the USS Craig-Bob) with cadets manning the helm & sails. Coach Murphy is directing the same drill in Javelin #2 (as yet un-named, who will earn the right to name it?).
First we practiced rigging the boat, then hoisted the jib. The skipper is steering properly, with the hiking stick & sitting amidships (actually he would do better to sit a bit further forward). The crew is balancing the boat & holding the jib sheet. In fact, she is holding -both- jib sheets, in readiness to TACK. These cadets did very well practicing tacking, using proper commands & communication.
"Which way does the boat turn if I move the tiller -this- way"
Coach King (holding bow line, wearing hat) turns the boat just as it would if sailing free; although not with such potentially bad consequences. Let's get those mistakes done & over with now!
Congrats to all the sailing cadets who completed their qual on KNOTS this week... we are better prepared than ever, and our next sailing session will be a success!
... posted by Assistant Coach Doug King