Sunday, January 10, 2021

Class This Spring... we sail on!



There an old old expression, "the prudent mariner." It similar to the one about flyers, " there are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots." 

This past year, our country and our own local area has been swept by potentially deadly disease, and it's halted many things and changed everything. Our sailing class was cancelled last spring before it was half way thru.

We really regret the loss of this opportunity and the experience for our students. But it was by far the best choice. The prudent mariner will not expose himself to danger more than necessary, because there is far more danger at sea... and in life... than we will be able to overcome by rushing into it.

But let's not dwell on gloomy thoughts!

Sailing class will go on, this spring! For the first few weeks, we'll carry out classes via the Google Meet app. We'll have exposure to real boats and eventually, real sailing, via this form of communication.

First step, learning all those funny "boat words" 

Here are the sailing lessons (link)

This is a real class, in order to pass, students need to rig up their boats, hoist the sails, get underway and carry out all tasks such as steering and handling lines (ropes), sail their boat under control including stopping, and then return to the dock and unrig & stow everything. Every step of the way involves doing potentially dangerous things safely, the prudent mariner knows that these lessons carry over into real life.

It's work. It takes study. But it's a heck of a lot of fun, too.


.... posted by Assistant Sail Coach Doug King




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