Those cadets who came back from Spring Break ready to sail got a very nice gift from the weather. Sunny skies, and a perfect breeze.
Here we see Coach Jackson gently reminding his students how to rig up a Javelin.

Putting the rudder on a Javelin

Coach Murphy's cadets have their boat rigged and ready to shove off... the cadet at the helm is practicing steering with the hiking stick, which is the right way to do it.

The 5O5 has all the same basic parts, plus a few extras. And the sails are MUCH bigger. Unfortunately we suffered a broken part on the shroud tension adjuster, which kept us from sailing this boat today. It's all fixed now and will be ready for some of the advanced cadets to try handling the spinnaker.

Here we see our new coach, Coach Brittany, practicing on the Javelin with Coach Rezab and one of the advanced cadets.
In the background is New Bern's old grain silo, a prominent landmark but many people have forgotten (or never knew) what it is or how important it was to the local economy.

Okay, sailing is done for today. We had some successful practice, and some of the beginners completed a drill. This is very good because the semester is drawing to a close and we will not have many more chances to complete the drills to complete the sailing qualification.
... posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King
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