Are the directions on a boat the same as on land?

In one way... yes!
In another way, HECK NO
We still have up & down, east & west, north & south, faster & slower (aren't these directions too?). On a boat, we still have Ahead & Behind but we call them different names.
Is this silly? Yes and no, there are a lot of things on a boat which are totally different from anything on land, or on any other type of vehicle. So of course they have very different names.

When a person says "Forward" you know what they mean, if they said "Fore" you could probably guess which direction it mean. If they said "aft" or "astern" then you might be able to guess or you might not.
Two entirely different & new directions: "Starboard" and "Port"
These are the right-hand side (starboard) and the left-hand side (port) of the boat, and they remain the same FOR THE BOAT when it turns around. In other words, when you're facing forward in the boat, starboard is to your right. When you are facing the stern, starboard is to your left.
To be a sailor, you will have to -know- these without even thinking about it.
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