All of our boats have been donated by sailors in support of giving young students this experience. We are literally broadening their horizons! However, all of our boats have been differently equipped and rigged over the years, so part of the coaches work is to try and make them as much "all the same" as we can. Sheet ratchet blocks, halyard and outhaul, cleat location... it amazing how much variety there is in a fleet of small simple boats.
Boat Work Today: we improved the main sheet rigging & blocks, added a boom vang, adjusted the standing rigging and measured the mast settings & rake, rebuilt parts of the trailer.

These sails are brand new, first time hoisted. Our long time instructor Doug King did the preliminary design, as they are very far advanced from the original Oday Javelin sails.
The mainsail can be reefed for stronger winds, a feature we had built into our new Javelin sails in 2012.
One change in these 2020 sails is that the foot of the mainsail is "loose" which means it is only attached at the tack and clew.
Long time coach Jerry Rezab is skippering the boar, combining training for a new coach and checking out the new sail design. They seem to provide a bt more power lighter winds, which is good, and accelerate the boat smartly without much heeling force.

Sailing around in shifty winds in a small basin, it's difficult to really get a complete test of the sails performance characteristics.
It's fun to go for a sail anyway!
The weather was great this afternoon, there was a lot of traffic at the boat ramp. Sunny, with some clouds, and definite wind although so many trees and houses close by make it shifty. Out on the open river, it was blowing 12 ~15 kt.
This is a good look at our new sail insignia, the New Bern bear!