This week, our sailing class continued to learn the basics.... and the experienced sailors from last year had a refresher.......

We've studied TERMINOLOGY and perhaps begun to learn why special words are important in specialized fields of knowledge, like medicine or aviation or sailing. We should know the names of many parts of the boat (link) itself, as well as knowing PORT from STARBOARD.
The class has mad good progress, but now let's get real!
This week we had one of our Oday Javelins on the grinder. The class had a chance to put their hands on all the funny-name parts of the boat, and to begin to see how it all works together. Most students had the chance to practice rigging and hoisting the sails.

This is a simple exercise, but we go on the theory that we learn more by doing than by sitting. It's good know the knots, but it's important to know where and when each knot is used, and to practice tying them while standing or perhaps crouching on a real boat.
We also learned some of the picky, finicky, details of rigging a real boat..... for example, the blocks (pulleys) for the jib sheet and main sheet have a ratchet, which must click the right way. This makes the boat -much- easier to sail IF you get it right!

At this point, let's go to our sailing lessons on line (link), or our textbook, or one of the references in
the classroom, and take the next step of learning the Points Of Sail. This is very important. In fact, one of the best things you can do is memorize this diagram.
We still have a lot to cover before we can actually GO SAILING, but we will do so in the next few weeks. We will also practice our Capsize Drill (link) so that we will be prepared for an emergency on the water.
............ posted by Assistant Sailing Coach Douglas King