The NJROTC Sailing Program has been cancelled by Hurricane Florence.......... we hope to resume sailing in spring next year.
We have had several hurricanes threaten our program and our boats over the years.... in 2010 (H. Earl) and in 2011 (H. Irene) particularly but most cadets will remember Hurricane Matthew just two years ago.
H. Florence was very powerful, following an unusual path and bringing over 10 feet of storm surge and 90+ mph winds.

At this point, we are not sure of the status of the fleet. We don't even know where some of them are, although any that were washed away and lost are probably damaged beyond repair.
The coaches homes all suffered damage and it is unlikely that we will be able to commit the time to work on the sailing program for another month. This would put us so far behind schedule that there is no chance of sailors completing the basic qualification this semester.
Instead, when time permits, we will focus on recovering and repairing what we can.
This program is still better off, materially, than when we began over 15 years ago.
Our sympathy, our hopes, and our determination to improve go out to all victims of Hurricane Florence.
... posted by Assistant Sailing Coach Doug King