
This Monday we held capsize practice at the Twin Rivers YMCA.
We've been learning the parts of the boat, and the terminology of boats & sailing. We practiced hoisting the sails (more complicated than it sounds!) and some of the other basic skills... now we get into a real boat that is really afloat!
It might not sound exciting to practice in a swimming pool, but it is calm and controlled... and it is the first time for many of our sailing cadets.
In small sailboat, capsizing should be part of the fun. However, it can be dangerous -IF- the sailors do not have the skills and the attitude to handle it. This is why we practice!
Our Capsize Drill is found here (link).

While the rigging the boat, and the capsize drill, are simple, there is much to remember. For example, steering with the hiking stick! Here we see two beginners trying to remember everything we've learned so far. When sailing for real, for example, the crew does NOT hold onto the boom.
The Capsize Drill is simple:
1- check on each others' safety
2- get control of the boat! This means to get a hold of the boat and keep from drifting away in separate directions. The skipper will swim around the stern to the centerboard, and hold it. This prevents the boat from turning "turtle."
3- When ready, pull the boat upright. The crew "scoops" into the boat as it comes up, so as to keep control of the boat and to help the skipper back aboard.
These cadets are carrying out Step #1... each makes sure the other is OK, before carrying out any other step.
In case of emergency, all our lifejackets have whistles so any cadet can instantly summon a coach.

Step 2- gain control of the situation. This means keeping the boat from going all the way inverted; so the skipper holds tight to the centerboard.

Step 3- pull the boat upright, the crew should be inside.
The reason for this is that a small boat can be very difficult to climb into from the water. Wearing a lifejacket makes it even more difficult.
Then, there is the risk of having the boat drift away. In strong wind, a small boat will skate away downwind much faster than you can swim. This is a serious emergency even if you are wearing a lifejacket!
A good crew helps his skipper get back into the boat after a successful capsize drill.

So now what?
We do it again!
Here, an experienced sailing cadet sees her crew trying to cope with an impending capsize, while steering with the hiking stick... good practice!

Now, all the sailing cadets have practiced the Capsize Drill at least once. Many practiced in both skipper and crew positions.
Next, unrigging the boat under the supervision of Coach Murphy.
This class did very well, we are looking forward to sailing, FOR REAL
posted by Assistant Coach Doug King