Sailing class has begun! Monday afternoons are now officially for SAILING!

Head Sailing Coach Jerry Rezab demonstrates rope & knot skills. Yes, this is a real class and while it not really possible to flunk, it is certainly possible to, shall we say, not pass.

At our next class session all sailing cadets will be expected to know the knots, and the terminology, and the parts of the boats. Most days, we will not need to step the mast and raise it, but we -WILL- need to be able to rig the boats correctly before we can expect to sail!

Our basic sailing lessons are summarized
on-line, here (link). Do you remember the difference between 'Standing Rigging' and 'Running Rigging'?? The names of all the parts of the boat are important. Teamwork is also important, and correct terminology makes it easier to work together efficiently.

The whole class got practice at least some of the skills we will need. Before going out on the water for real, we need to have some ability and some confidence in this new and potentially dangerous environment.
Photos by Assistant Coach Fred Cornford
.... ... posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King