Well, the sailing season is over for us... did we learn anything? It looks like some of us are still getting help from a coach in rigging up the boats!
Actually, as you'll see, these cadets learned to sail quite well.

Here is one of our new sailors skippering an FJ. The boat is moving well (check out that bow wave), looks pretty good.
Actually, SAILING is not over, there is a winter racing series here on the Neuse River. Some of the coaches & students participate, but it's not an NJROTC function.
What's the definition of a race? Two sailboats going in approximately the same direction! Here we see our Sailing Squad Commander demonstrating his advanced sailing skills... it's difficult to pass another boat to leeward, but he does it.
Now it's time to put the boats away.
Most semester, the cadets are given a work day ("working party" in Navy terminology) to get everything properly stored for the winter. However the onset of cold weather & winter storms got the coaches to act during the week before, and you can see it was not really a day at the beach!

This semester, we welcome a couple of new coaches. Thanks to these guys, we have a solid fleet and skilled teachers... hey wait where's the boss? Head Coach Rezab is not in this photo!
Congratulations to the cadets who achieved the Basic Sailing qualification, and are now officially SKIPPERS! This means a lot, not everybody can do it.
... posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King