Our first sailing day this semester went quite well. At this point, we are not perfect in knowledge of boat parts & terminology, but we did get rigged up and underway.

Most of the new sailors sailed the Javelins with coaches help. Here we see Coach Gormley with his cadets. There is not a lot of wind, but there is enough to get the boats moving along.

The advanced cadets sailed the FJs, getting a bit of a refresher... for example, this spread-out group is supposed to be a "Baby Ducks" drill. However, we did practice tacking & gybing and also stopping... the necessary basic skills!

Here is Coach Murphy with his new sailors.
Lighter wind makes it more difficult to see what the sails should be doing, but with good coaching the new cadets kept their boats moving and practiced tacking (link).

Practice... it's how you get good at stuff!
Stopping a sailboat (link) is a needed skill for advanced sailors and beginners alike. We practice in open water on nice soft buoys, so that we can bring the boat to the nice metal dock later.
... posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King