Bad weather... OK, this is a "cheater" photo, this is our FJ #1 resting on it's trailer under a blanket of snow, shortly after our capsize drill last month. We did not actually have snow this week. However it is far too cold and rainy for to take our boats out on the water.

So, how do we practice sailing in the classrooms? A bunch of ways! We need to know the points of sail, and the details of how to TACK (link).
With a fan and Coach Rezab's model boat (don't worry, he has a real one too), we go thru all the actions necessary to successfully TACK. Just to be sure, we also review all the points of sail, and what it means to turn from one point of sail to another when -not- tacking.

Next thing we need to work on is ROPES & KNOTS. We have done well at learning all the terminology and basic parts of the boat, but before we can rig the boat without help we need to tie knots correctly.
Here is our Head Sailing Coach Jerry Rezab demonstrating the Cleat Hitch. Where and when do we use this knot?

More knot-tying. You can see our newest addition to the Sailing Coaches, Coach Brittany. She sailed FJs with us last week and will be a fine addition to our program.
Let's hope it warms up a little, and we can do some sailing drills for real next week.
Oh and you advanced sailors... we want to see some ROLL TACKS, and we also want to see some of you sailing the 5O5 !!!
... Posted by Assistant Sailing Coach Douglas King