Another windy day... the Neuse River Live Weather Buoy (link) says we had winds in the 15~20 knot range... and we reefed the Javelin mainsails for the first time.
"Reef" means a shallow spot in the water but it also means to make a sail smaller. Here you can see how, along the boom of this Javelin. You can also see that this nervous beginner skipper is not comfortable with the tiller extension just yet!

Reefing the mainsails was partly to see how the boats would perform, and partly because we still have 2 basic sailors who need to finish their qualifications. The advanced sailors normally turn their nose up at the Javelins since they are so much heavier than the FJs -but- when the wind and chop kick up like this, the Javelins are fun too!

Playing Baby Ducks (link) again
Who has the Right-Of-Way here?
answer- the white boat has Right-Of-Way over the yellow (gold) boat, which is why the yellow boat is turning to miss them.

Another of the drills today was practice starts. The coach/rescue boat gave a 1-minute signal by flag & sound, then gave time at 10 second intervals (50, 40, 30, etc) and a final 5-4-3-2-1 until GO!
Here we see 'Boats' (the new sailing squad commander) a few seconds late but definitely hauling the mail... I'd call this a good start!
CONGRATULATIONS and 'Bravo Zulu' (that's Navy talk for "well done") to the cadets who completed their Basic Sailing Qualification today.
... ... ... posted by Assistant Coach Douglas King