The Javelin has proven itself as a great boat for our fleet, they are more stable & secure than the Flying Juniors. We were given our first Javelin, named the USS Craig-Bob in honor of the bequest, last spring. This boat now has 3 semesters of getting our cadets afloat, and we continue to appreciate both the gift and boat's virtues.

Many of the beginners get a feel for sheet & tiller in these boats before 'graduating' to the FJs, but then at least one skipper has showed that a well-sailed Javelin can pass an FJ!
Here's a photo from last fall, showing the Javelin (far left) sailing close-hauled towards the green buoy... getting there ahead of FJs #4 and #1 (on right).
Although the Javelin is only a slight amount longer, it is a much LARGER boat than the FJ. This might sound funny, but it's true. Boats are not just long or short; but also beamy o

Here is photo of Coach King proving that the foredeck of a Javelin is OK.
The Javelin is also very strongly built. For example, we never step on the foredeck of the Flying Junior for 2 reasons: it might buckle from your weight, and it makes an already-tippy boat very eager to capsize. This is not true of the Javelin, which feels very solid.
This month the New Bern NJROTC Sailing Squadron were donated a third Javelin, and we will put it to good use this fall!
The boat was donated by the son of the late Jimmy Cox of Trent Woods, a World War II Navy veteran. So this boat has a bit of history coming with it. He kept the boat in very good condition, and we offer sincere thanks to his family.
The NJROTC fleet all lined up & waiting at Bridgeton Harbor
Here's our 'new' Javelin, settled in it's new home. School will be starting soon and the cadets will be rigging & launching the boats for sailing... the FJs are dollied on the beach but the Javelins stay in the water.
... posted by Assisstant Coach Douglas King