This past weekend, the New Bern NJROTC sailors got in several kinds of action. Saturday, two cadets came out to the
NYRA Winter Series (link) races. On Sunday, the town of Trent Woods had it's popular Christmas Parade which the NBHS-NJROTC brigade marched in. The sailors had a float
(kind of appropriate, when ya think about it) made up of a decorated sailboat, and 4 members of the sailing squad throwing candy to the crowd.

Let's start with the sailing: they call it the "Winter Series" but usually it's a bit warmer than this. Everybody was bundled up and many were hoping the races would be called off. I don't know what they were complaining about, here on my boat
(a Santana 23, the smallest of the fleet) we were comfy enough.
This photo shows the skipper (Bill D) and middle crew relaxing before the 1st race. Actually it wasn't very relaxing, it was cold... it was a lot better once we got to work & warmed up!

This photo
(left) shows the chase boat manned by Blackbeard Sailing Club veteran Ken Gurganus and and cadet A.F. from New Bern NJROTC. It was actually colder on the "chase boat" than it was under sail, but our volunteers did get to relax on the luxurious Race Committee vessel.

Here is Coach King's BLUE YONDER on it's way to a 2nd-place finish (out of 7 racers) with cadet J.V. as crew
(seated on windward rail). It is a lot of work racing a small complex racer/cruiser
(which has to be launched just like our FJs) and the crew warmed up a lot, especially when handling the spinnaker!
(thanks to John Y. Jackson for this photo)POP QUIZ: What point of sail, and which tack, is this boat on?

Here is work just beginning on our Javelin #2, to transform it into a Christmas Parade float. Head Coach Rezab has rigged the boom as a mast, and flown the signal N-B-H-S on the forestay, and signal N-J-R-O-T-C on the backstay.
POP QUIZ: What does this boat's standing rigging normally consist of? What has been added, what is missing?

Unfortunately not all our sailor cadets got to ride in the boat-float. But they were great about helping to decorate it for Christmas... and the rudder didn't drag either!

Here is part of the brigade getting formed up to march in the parade.

You can see the right mix of pride and self-discipline here... that cold cold wind is blowing. I predict that many of the young people will go far in life!
The plan is to continue sailing when the weather permits; we have arranged the loan of two San Juan 21 ballasted sloops which will better for potentially cold operations. We will also continue to have class
for those who want to learn. See you next week!
... posted by Assistant Coach Doug King